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How much is the shipping fee?

We provide Worldwide Free Shipping! 


Where do you ship?

We ship internationally, simply state the correct country, city and state in the checkout page. 


When will my order arrive?

There is no definite and fixed number of days for the arrival of the product. It will depend on the size of the product. Please allow around 3-4 weeks for the product to arrive to you.


Can I cancel my order once it is placed?

As soon as you place your order, we immediately process it in our inventory so unfortunately, you cannot cancel placed orders. Be sure that you are 110% sure about purchasing the product before proceeding to checkout.


Do you have a return policy?

Please refer to the Terms & Condition page for our return policy and for other concerns.


Where can I contact you in case of concerns with the products?

You can reach us by sending us an e-mail on our Contact Page or sending us a message on our social media outlets.


If you have more questions that are not in this FAQ, feel free to send us an e-mail HERE.
